Photographer & Entrepreneur
You should always be educating yourself through books, biographies, articles, audios, experience, etc. Your education should be a work in progress until the day you die. The investment you make in yourself will always pay off in the end. The wiser you are, the better decisions you’ll make. The smarter you are, the more things you can be successful at. Make it a point to always keep improving yourself each day by learning new things.
Einstein once said,” If you can't explain it to a six year old, you don't understand it yourself.” "If you can't explain it simply, you don't know it well enough." Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. Even nature works that way. Air molecules, light etc. all move on a straight line (approximately) rather than some complivated curve. In pursuit of knowledge, we should always aim for simplicity.
My Skills
Web Design
Projects Done
Happy Clients
My Reputation
Chris Fox. CEO at Mighty Schools.
Oscar saved us from a web disaster.
Rebecca Flex. CEO at Company.
No one is better than Oscar.